Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Be Kind!

Try as much as possible to appreciate others, if someone is trying to tell you something, listen to it. May be you are the only listener that person has, may be you are the only one for whom he/she waits to talk to, may be you are the one who can heal that person from any or all kinds of sufferings. 

What are counselling sessions? What psychologists do? They listen. They listen to what the person has to say. We are living in this world, where no one is ready to listen, no one has the patience to listen with peace. By just a single word, or two, we might be responsible for damaging a person’s self-esteem. 

There are people full of love and compassion, but when they don’t see any acknowledgement for being kind, for being compassionate, it makes them become rude from outside, and they go through inner battles that completely cause severe damage to their heart and soul. 

If you are someone’s friend, be a friend, if you are someone’s confidant, be a confidant, if you are someone’s listener, be a listener, if you are someone’s hope, be a hope! Be kind, be tolerant! Try to make things easy for others, may be your habit of listening or your utterance of few words of kindness could help someone fight the psychological problems. 

Be a help! Help that could let someone handle the troubling brain games.

Words Matter!

The people in this world are so rude that when you genuinely show concern towards them, when you are being empathetic, when you ask them how they are doing, are they okay, do they need any help?... You will be judged… You will be given this perception that please keep your concerns to yourself, don’t ask us… I don’t understand why everyone in this world is so mean, why empathy is not appreciated… 

We humans were sent to this world to be kind to others, be helpful for others, stay humble and be empathetic. We have been given knowledge of deen and dunya, we are told about the manners, we are informed about the choice of words we have to use while interacting with others. But we prefer to stay quiet… Words matter! Words really matter!

Words give life to humans… We humans are so in need of the words that can heal us, if words would not have mattered, why would have Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala used the words in Quran? Why didn’t he just gave the message to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and tell him to convey to us? Because He knew that we humans want to listen to words, want to read it. 

But it is so saddening to know and accept that even if someone shows pure concerns, have pure intentions to be good to others, that person has to go through a lot alone because everyone around is trying to tell that person that there is some issue with you, you are not normal, you are not acting the way the world is acting. You should behave in the same manner like all the people are behaving in this world…

Few words can save someone from being hopeless, can save someone from being evil, can save someone from becoming like the rest of the world… We have to be kind, we have to appreciate kindness, we have to do it because Allah has conveyed this message to us through Quran and through his beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). 

We have to keep the worldly things at a side and be nice to others, we have to stop being judgemental because it will ruin many pure people around us, we will be left with no kindness, no purity, no humility…